"This is a 34-inch long scale model of the famous Tahitian Tipaerua canoe. Unlike most Oceanic vessels, the hulls of this canoe are not carved but instead planket, a technique I achieved after many trials and errors. You can view its gradual construction on Flickr."le model canoe of the famous Tahitian Tipaerua. The hulls of this canoe are not carved like most Oceanic vessels, but planket, a technique I achieved only after many trials and errors. You can view its gradual construction on Flickr.
"This is a 34-inch long scale model of the famous Tahitian Tipaerua canoe. Unlike most Oceanic vessels, the hulls of this canoe are not carved but instead planket, a technique I achieved after many trials and errors. You can view its gradual construction on Flickr."le model canoe of the famous Tahitian Tipaerua. The hulls of this canoe are not carved like most Oceanic vessels, but planket, a technique I achieved only after many trials and errors. You can view its gradual construction on Flickr.